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Weng Sang

Students, Never Give Up

Life is like a marathon, not a sprint.

It doesn't matter if you feel that you are down now. Similarly, you shouldn't be complacent just because you are doing well now.

I write this post for students, parents and tutors.

You have always heard the cliché phrase, " Life is short." But is it? It is shorter than the life of a turtle for sure. But 60-80 years isn't short. It is more than half a century. Fifty years ago, there was no internet. This blog cannot exist. The concept of a web page is far from the imagination of a person living in 1969.


For students who failed their subject in their latest examinations, it is one failure. It can be reversed. I, for one got a F9 for my Elementary Mathematics during my Sec 4 Preliminary Examinations. It scared the hell out of me. One month later, I passed Elementary Mathematics in my 'O' Level examinations with an A1. Was it a miracle?

Yes and No.

Yes, It was a miracle, I didn't expect an A1 but I got one.

No, it wasn't a miracle. I worked very hard and long to rescue my ailing Elementary Mathematics. No miracle happened. It was pure grit.

Hence, for students, don't throw in the towel and say "I give up!" or "I hate this subject!"

Conquer it like you would when playing mobile or console games. If you die at that level, try again but change your strategy. Don't do it the same way. Get help, get tips and try again. Examinations are not unlike levels in games. Just way scarier. But you conquer it the same way as a computer game. Practice and sound strategy is what you need.

On the other hand, if you are doing well. You need to keep on your toes. For example, if you are progressing from Sec 3 to Sec 4. The difficulty level is going to increase. An A1 today is no guarantee for an A1 tomorrow. You got to stay alert and keep improving. There is no happily ever after. One exam will always follow another. It can be at another level. It can be in another school. The next exam will always be around the corner.

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